2023年2月28日 星期二

[復健筆記]2022國際膝關節疾病與治療高峰會@台中榮總 part I


Current trends in management of
PFP syndrome

dysfunction in the mechanical force between patella and femur
=>patella maltracking, alignment, soft tissue imbalance
vastus medius=VMo+VML
Scenario: 可能看一場電影看一場戲後就痛起來了
Clinical symptoms:anterior knee pain 

治療目標: restore muscle balance
做Terminal knee extension exercise

femur anteversion會增加valgus角度foot pronation角度

=>走往role of hip muscle, add hip IR and add enhance VMO activation,但效益也不佳
=>再走向增加hip abductor and ER strengthening, 和增加proximal stability

open vs closed kinetic chain exercise

open chain時 能訓練到單一肌力 能訓練到最大肌力
close chain 沒辦法訓練到最大肌力 比較functional
                   比較能轉嫁到功能 比較能同時訓練anta/agonist 加強本體感覺 

單腳蹲時 G.medius很重要

甚至可搭配電刺激訓練electrical stimulation: single patterned electrical stimulation, agonist and antagonist, knee bracing + insoles , kinesio tapping+McConnell taping也可同時操作!

hip muscle strengthening
stretching exercise...propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
postural stabilization exercise........transverse abdominis, multifidus co contraction, anterior pelvic tilt, femoral internal rotation and adduction


Q angle正常時 可以focus on knee,但若Q angle不正常 , 要上下找一找
hamstring太緊,也會影響foot pronation,往上又代償到Q angle擴大

Current Trends in Management of Fat Pad Syndrome

Current trend in the management of infrapatellar fat pad syndrome

anterior knee pain不要忘記fat pad syndrome
可做Hoffa massage,避免夾擊

思路: 我們要把fat pad當成是一個會引起問題的組織,而不是只在保護我們

**Infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve

fat pad 的pressure在極端角度時最大,因為為了保護關節
其實fat pad有和proximal patellar tendon相連,也連到deep quadriceps tendon(?)
PFPS 也可當fat pad syndrome處理=>要避免hyperextension

infrapatellar plica(ligamentum mucosum)也會連到fatpad

可做Hoffa test 

**scissor action** when flexing under load =>不只extension痛,flexion蹲也會痛

關節鏡後fat pad可能會造成anterior interval的scarring 

Quadriceps training without knee hyperextension
Pelvic control:training of G.medius and stretching the anterior hip may decrease  IR of the hip and valgus firce of the knee 
Gait training and avoiding hyperextension can also be used 
+靠貼紮讓Patella bone不要壓迫fat pad太多

Wall or door Jam:關鍵是讓heel往下壓
Gluteus training: wall lean
Modified gluteus training to avoid hyperextension: life stance 
Nerve mobilization: saphenous nerve 

**深蹲末端可能對有fat pad的病人有極大壓力,對正常人沒關係,對OA也沒那麼適合

insole? 可用可不用=>要先評估腳的instability 

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